well, think again all you cannabis lovers (and even for you haters..).
hemp milk.
milk alternatives have definitely been on the rise in the last few years with soy, rice and almond milk making a welcoming entry into many more homes. this past year however, has seen a much warmer welcome to hemp milk. milk made from the 'nuts' or seeds of the hemp plant. and let me tell you, it is deeeeeeelicious.
not only does it taste marvi, but it really does 'do a body good'.
just an 8 ounce glass provides the body with 46% of the daily recommended calcium and 43% of daily phosphorous. one glass is such a great source of balanced omega-3 SDA)(and omega-6 (GLA) fatty acids. additionally, vitamins A, D, B12, E, riboflavin and folic acid, 10 essential amino acids and 4 grams of digestible protein. and, those allergic to nuts are safe to start drinking up!
unlike soy, hemp seeds don't contain high levels of the enzyme inhibitor, phytates, which can interfere with correct absorption of minerals in the body. nor does hemp milk have oligosaccharides, which can cause flatulence and digestive stress on the body.
one thing to make sure of is to read the label and make sure there is NO carrageenan in the ingredients. the only brand i've seen with it is tempt. carrageenan is no good for the body, its carcinogenic!
as california moves closer to legalization of mary-ju-wanna and us here is oregon are hoping to at least get close to where california is now, come november, one thing still stands : the illegal status of growing hemp. thanks to our trusty neighbors, the canadians, we can consume such yummy, healthy milk alternatives now.
and sorry kids, no THC here.
some ideas to add hemp milk to your diet :
- use in smoothies or green drinks
- in coffee or cereal
- for baking ingredient substitute for milk/cream
- in homemade latte's base
- as a comforting beverage
so, next time you're looking for something new and exciting to grab at the grocery store, think green!
love, joy and peace to all :)
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mohandas Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi
Fabulous, I'm gonna try this. Also: the
ReplyDelete"read the label" warning is much appreciated. Now I know to look out for carrageenan. (I think that falls under the "if you can't pronounce it, don't eat it" rule.)